Healthy Body & Mind
Midlife is not a time to ignore your health; I believe it's vitally important that you look after your body & Mind, become more active to be able to enjoy life to it's full. Physically fit, mentally and emotionally healthy all work together and having any of these elements missing in Midlife is going to be more challenging to fulfil your dreams to have the best life.
I've been very much on the same journey of self-improvement, and i'm passionate about sharing the lessons i have been learning along the way. I only recommend activities, products or services that I have undertaken myself with actual positive results.
Healthy Body
At Middle age it's very easy to put on weight and get out of shape, doing some form of exercise not only makes you look great on the outside, keeps things working inside to.
Spiritual Mind
Spirituality is a very personal topic with no right or wrong answers. The best place we found to start is Meditation & Mindfulness it is to the mind what physical exercise is to the body
Healthy mind
Your Mental health is so important and it's ok to talk about it, professional online support is available and easily accessible.
Latest Blogs
15 Health Tips Any Woman Over 40 Needs To Know
Our wisdom and compassion often increase as we grow older, but so do our health challenges.
Understanding the different types of Yoga
Yoga is becoming a more and more popular activity in the Western world today. The number of places holding Yoga classes is on the increase and there is a plethora of different types of Yoga.
Yoga Questions and Answers
What is Yoga? Yoga is a very old way of life that came from India that encourages personal health, spirituality and wellness.
The potentials of yoga in helping you get better sleep
Many people believe that yoga is all about experiencing pure ecstasy through the union of the mind, the soul, and the body.
Why do men shun away from doctors ?
We often hear that “Men consult their family doctors pretty rarely than women do, notwithstanding the fact that they are much more adhesive to accidents, violence, and disease.”
10 Top Healthy Foods To Keep You Fit
Healthy eating and physical fitness go together, but there are no magic foods that cause you to be one hundred percent healthy by just eating the one food.
Gentlemen, guys actually do Yoga
Lets face it, at its first mention; Yoga might not come off as the most masculine exercise.